Best Ways to Save on Chicago Saturn VUE Insurance

Insurance quote for Saturn VUE in ChicagoSearching for more competitive Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago? Paying for pricey Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago can take a big chunk out of your accounts and force you to make sacrifices. Doing a rate analysis is a smart way to lower your monthly bill.

Surprisingly, a recent survey revealed that most auto insurance policyholders renewed their policy with the same company for at least four years, and practically 40% of auto insurance customers have never compared quotes from other companies. With the average auto insurance premium being $1,500, Illinois drivers could cut their rates by about 40% a year by just comparing rate quotes, but most undervalue the amount of savings they would get if they moved their coverage to a different company. Consumers have many insurers to choose from, and although it's a good thing to have a selection, more choices can make it harder to compare rates for Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago.

Why Your Insurance Costs might be higher

Consumers need to have an understanding of the rating factors that play a part in calculating auto insurance rates. If you have some idea of what impacts premium levels, this allows you to make educated decisions that can earn you big savings.

The items below are just a few of the factors used by insurance companies to determine your rate level.

Safer cars cost less to insure - Vehicles that have high safety ratings are cheaper to insure. Safe vehicles help reduce the chance of injuries in an accident and reduced instances of injuries means your insurance company pays less and more competitive rates for policyholders.

How many coverages with the same company - Most insurance companies apply better rates to policyholders who carry more than one policy in the form of a multi-policy discount. Even with this discount, it's in your best interest to comparison shop to guarantee you are still saving the most. It's possible to still find better rates even if you have your coverage with different companies

Cheaper rates after marriage - Having a spouse can get you a discount on your policy. Having a significant other translates into being more stable financially and it's statistically proven that married drivers tend to file fewer claims.

Remove unneeded add-on coverages - Policies have add-on coverages that you can get tricked into buying when buying auto insurance. Coverages like vanishing deductibles, death and dismemberment, and additional equipment coverage may be costing you every month. The coverages may be enticing when deciding what coverages you need, but if you have no use for them remove them and pocket the money.

Teenagers are high risk - Drivers with little experience are statistically shown to be more careless when at the wheel of a vehicle so auto insurance rates are higher. Older people are more responsible, tend to file fewer claims, and tend to be get fewer driving tickets.

Driving citations increase rates - Drivers with clean records receive lower rates than people who have multiple driving citations. Only having one citation can increase rates substantially. Drivers who have received flagrant citations such as reckless driving or DUI may find they need to complete a SR-22 with their state's licensing department in order to legally drive a vehicle.

Getting a low cost price on Saturn VUE insurance is a fairly straight forward process. Consumers just need to spend a little time comparing rate quotes from online providers.

Getting quotes online is very simple and it replaces the need to make phone calls or go to all the different Chicago insurance agencies. Quoting and buying Saturn VUE insurance online has reduced the need for local agents unless you require the personal advice of an agent trained in personal lines coverage. If you prefer, some companies allow you to obtain prices from the web but purchase the actual policy in an agency.

The following companies have been selected to offer comparison quotes in Illinois. If the list has multiple companies, it's a good idea that you get prices from several of them in order to find the cheapest rates.

Saturn VUE Insurance Rates in Chicago, IL
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Vue XE 2WD $158 $238 $250 $14 $76 $736 $61
Vue XR 2WD $218 $398 $266 $16 $80 $978 $82
Vue XR-L 2WD $260 $340 $342 $20 $102 $1,064 $89
Vue XR AWD $252 $418 $352 $20 $106 $1,148 $96
Vue XR-L AWD $224 $460 $316 $18 $94 $1,112 $93
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Data based on single male driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, homeowner, claim-free, safe-driver, and multi-vehicle. Information does not factor in your specific Chicago location which can affect auto insurance rates significantly.

Deductible analysis

When comparing auto insurance rates, the most common question is what deductibles to buy. The following insurance rates lay out the rate differences of buying low and high comp and collision deductibles. The first rate table uses a $250 deductible for physical damage and the second rate table uses a $500 deductible.

Saturn VUE insurance rates with $250 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Vue XE 2WD $202 $280 $262 $16 $78 $863 $72
Vue XR 2WD $202 $340 $262 $16 $78 $923 $77
Vue XR-L 2WD $228 $340 $262 $16 $78 $949 $79
Vue XR AWD $228 $340 $262 $16 $78 $949 $79
Vue XR-L AWD $228 $400 $262 $16 $78 $1,009 $84
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Saturn VUE insurance rates with $500 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Vue XE 2WD $164 $226 $262 $16 $78 $746 $62
Vue XR 2WD $164 $274 $262 $16 $78 $794 $66
Vue XR-L 2WD $186 $274 $262 $16 $78 $816 $68
Vue XR AWD $186 $274 $262 $16 $78 $816 $68
Vue XR-L AWD $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
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Table data represents married male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, and claim-free. Table data does not factor in specific garaging location which can influence price quotes substantially.

Using the premium rates above, we can conclude that using a $250 deductible would cost the average driver about $11 more each month or $132 annually than quoting the higher $500 deductible. Because you would pay $250 more if you turn in a claim with a $500 deductible as compared to a $250 deductible, if you normally average at least 23 months between claims, you would save more money by selecting a higher deductible.

Can you really save that much by switching?

Consumers can't get away from ads that claim the best premium rates from the likes of GEICO, State Farm and Progressive. All the ads say the same thing that you'll save big if you get a free Chicago car insurance quote and switch your coverage to them.

How is it possible that every company can give you a lower rate on Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago? This is how they do it.

Insurance companies have underwriting criteria for the type of driver that will not have excessive claims. An example of a profitable risk profile could be over the age of 40, has no claims, and has great credit. Someone that matches those criteria gets the lowest rates and will most likely save when switching.

People who cannot meet those criteria will probably have to pay a higher premium and this results in the customer not purchasing. If you listen closely, the ads state "drivers who switch" not "everyone who quotes" save the amount stated. That's the way companies can truthfully make those claims. Because of this risk profiling, you need to get price quotes at each policy renewal. It's just not possible to know with any certainty which company will have the lowest rate quotes.

Why you need VUE insurance in Illinois

Despite the potentially high cost of Saturn VUE insurance, insurance serves several important purposes.

The benefits of having insurance definitely exceed the cost, particularly if you ever have a claim. On average, a vehicle owner in Chicago is wasting up to $869 every year so you should quote rates every year to help ensure money is not being wasted.

Do you qualify for discounts on Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago?

Auto insurance is not an enjoyable expense, but you might already qualify for some discounts that may help make it more affordable. Some trigger automatically when you get a quote, but some must be asked for before you will receive the discount. If they aren't giving you every credit possible, you are throwing money away.Save money with discounts

A little disclaimer on discounts, most credits do not apply to all coverage premiums. Most only apply to individual premiums such as comp or med pay. So when it seems like all the discounts add up to a free policy, companies wouldn't make money that way.

Some of the insurance companies that may have these money-saving discounts include:

Before buying, ask all the companies how you can save money. All car insurance discounts may not apply to policies in every state. To choose insurance companies with the best discounts in Illinois, follow this link.

Car insurance agents near you

Many drivers prefer to buy from a local agent and there is nothing wrong with that. Insurance agents are highly skilled in risk management and help in the event of a claim. The biggest benefit of comparing rates online is that you can find cheap car insurance quotes but still work with a licensed agent.

Find insurance agent in ChicagoFor easy comparison, once you complete this short form, your coverage information is submitted to insurance agents in Chicago who will gladly provide quotes and help you find cheaper coverage. It's much easier because you don't need to find an agent on your own since rate quotes are delivered immediately to your email address. If you wish to quote rates for a specific company, you just need to visit that company's website and give them your coverage information.

Finding the right insurer should include more criteria than just a cheap price quote. Ask your prospective agent these questions:

Below are agents in Chicago that can give you rate quotes for Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago.

4911 N Lincoln Ave c - Chicago, IL 60625 - (773) 878-8883 - View Map

330 S Wells St #1600 - Chicago, IL 60606 - (312) 427-1777 - View Map

223 W Cermak Rd, Fl-2 - Chicago, IL 60616 - (312) 225-8311 - View Map

Greg King - State Farm Insurance Agent
5508 S Lake Park Ave - Chicago, IL 60637 - (773) 643-6200 - View Map

View more Chicago agents

When to get professional advice

When quoting and comparing insurance from an agent or online, there really is no perfect coverage plan. Every situation is different and a cookie cutter policy won't apply.Auto insurance savings These are some specific questions may help highlight if your situation may require specific advice.

If you're not sure about those questions, you might consider talking to an insurance agent. To find an agent in your area, fill out this quick form or go to this page to view a list of companies. It's fast, doesn't cost anything and you can get the answers you need.

Affordable insurance rates are out there

While you're price shopping online, do not skimp on coverage in order to save money. There are many occasions where an accident victim reduced liability limits or collision coverage only to regret at claim time that the few dollars in savings costed them thousands. Your goal is to buy enough coverage for the lowest price but still have enough coverage for asset protection.

Low-cost Saturn VUE insurance in Chicago can be purchased online and also from your neighborhood Chicago agents, and you need to comparison shop both to get a complete price analysis. Some insurance providers may not offer the ability to get a quote online and many times these smaller companies only sell coverage through local independent agents.

For more information, take a look at the following helpful articles: