Best Ways to Save on Chicago Mercury Mountaineer Insurance

Do you need a fast way to compare lower-priced Mercury Mountaineer insurance in Chicago? Pricey Mercury Mountaineer insurance in Chicago can sap your budget and put a big crunch on your finances.

Insurance for Mercury MountaineerAstonishing but true, most insurance buyers have stayed with the same insurance company for at least four years, and nearly 40% of drivers have never quoted rates to find cheaper coverage. Many consumers in Illinois could save themselves almost 40% a year by just shopping around, but they just feel it's too hard to compare rates online.

Online insurance companies like State Farm, Progressive and GEICO promote their brand names with advertising and it is challenging if not impossible to see past the geckos and flying pigs and find the best price available.

If you currently have a car insurance policy, you will be able to reduce the price you pay using this strategy. Locating the best rates in Chicago seems hard but is not really that difficult. But Illinois consumers do need to know the way insurance companies determine what you pay and use this information to your advantage.

Discounts can help lower rates on Mercury Mountaineer insurance in Chicago

Car insurance can cost a lot, but discounts can save money and there are some available to cut the cost considerably. A few discounts will automatically apply when you get a quote, but a few need to be requested specifically before you get the savings.

Policy discounts save money, but most discounts do not apply to your bottom line cost. Most only reduce the cost of specific coverages such as comp or med pay. Despite the fact that it seems like you could get a free car insurance policy, insurance companies wouldn't stay in business.

Large car insurance companies and some of the discounts are included below.

When getting a coverage quote, ask each insurance company how you can save money. Depending on the company, some discounts might not be offered in every state. If you would like to view companies with the best Mercury Mountaineer insurance discounts in Illinois, click this link.

The quickest method to get rate comparisons for Mercury Mountaineer insurance in Chicago is to know the fact most insurance companies participate in a system to provide you with a free rate quote. The only thing you need to do is provide a little information including the ages of drivers, the year, make and model of vehicles, any included safety features, and if the car is leased. The data is instantly sent to multiple companies and you will get price comparisons quickly.

To check car insurance prices now, click here and complete the quick form.

The companies in the list below can provide comparison quotes in Illinois. If multiple providers are shown, it's highly recommended you visit several of them to get the cheapest price.

Mercury Mountaineer Insurance Rate Estimates in Chicago, IL
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Mountaineer 2WD $128 $232 $250 $14 $76 $700 $58
Mountaineer AWD $290 $406 $342 $20 $102 $1,160 $97
Mountaineer Premier 2WD $198 $406 $250 $14 $76 $944 $79
Mountaineer Premier AWD $136 $284 $340 $20 $102 $882 $74
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Data based on single female driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, multi-policy, safe-driver, homeowner, and multi-vehicle. Price estimates do not factor in specific location which can decrease or increase premium rates significantly.

Full coverage rates compared to liability-only

The diagram below illustrates the comparison of Mercury Mountaineer annual premium costs with liability coverage only compared to full coverage. The rate quotes are based on no accidents or driving violations, $1,000 deductibles, married male driver, and no policy discounts are applied.

Deciding between full coverage and liability only

There is no specific rule of when to stop paying for physical damage insurance, but there is a general guideline you can use. If the yearly cost of full coverage is more than around 10% of the replacement cost of your vehicle minus the policy deductible, then you might want to think about dropping full coverage.

For example, let's pretend your Mercury Mountaineer book value is $3,000 and you have $1,000 deductibles. If your vehicle is totaled, you would only receive $2,000 after the policy deductible has been paid. If premiums are more than $200 annually to have full coverage, then you might want to consider buying only liability coverage.

There are some conditions where dropping physical damage coverage is not advised. If you still owe a portion of the original loan, you have to maintain full coverage in order to keep the loan. Also, if your finances do not allow you to purchase a different vehicle if your current one is in an accident, you should keep full coverage.

Comparison of policy deductibles

The diagram below demonstrates how choosing different deductibles and can increase or decrease Mercury Mountaineer insurance rates for each age group. The premium estimates are based on a single female driver, full coverage, and no discounts are applied to the premium.

Higher deductibles lower rates

One of the most common auto insurance questions is what deductibles to buy. The figures shown below sum up how much more you'll pay between high and low physical damage coverage deductibles. The first rate estimation uses a $100 deductible for physical damage and the second set of rates uses a $500 deductible.

Mercury Mountaineer insurance with $100 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Mountaineer 2WD $224 $406 $262 $16 $78 $1,011 $84
Mountaineer AWD $254 $406 $262 $16 $78 $1,041 $87
Mountaineer Premier 2WD $254 $478 $262 $16 $78 $1,113 $93
Mountaineer Premier AWD $254 $478 $262 $16 $78 $1,113 $93
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Mercury Mountaineer insurance with $500 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Mountaineer 2WD $164 $274 $262 $16 $78 $794 $66
Mountaineer AWD $186 $274 $262 $16 $78 $816 $68
Mountaineer Premier 2WD $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
Mountaineer Premier AWD $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
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Data assumes married male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, homeowner, safe-driver, multi-policy, and multi-vehicle. Information does not factor in zip code location which can change rates substantially.

Based on the figures above, using a $100 deductible will cost you approximately $19 more each month or $228 every year than requesting the higher $500 deductible. Since the policyholder would be required to pay $400 more out-of-pocket with a $500 deductible as compared to a $100 deductible, if you average at least 21 months between claim filings, you would more than likely save some money by selecting a higher deductible.

What Determines Mercury Mountaineer Insurance Costs?

It's important that you understand some of the elements that help determine the price you pay for car insurance. When consumers understand what determines base rates, this empowers consumers to make smart changes that can help you get lower premium levels. Lots of things are part of the equation when you get a price on insurance. Some of the criteria are obvious such as your driving record, although some other factors are not as apparent such as your credit history or your vehicle rating.

How many coverages with the same company - Most major insurers give discounts to customers that buy multiple policies in the form of a multi-policy discount. The discount can be ten or even up to twenty percent in some cases. Even with this discount, it's still a good idea to shop around to confirm you are receiving the best rates possible.

Your stress level may be raising your rates - Did you know your job can affect your rates? Occupations such as doctors, executives and emergency personnel tend to have higher average rates attributed to intense work situations and extremely grueling work hours. Other occupations like professors, athletes and homemakers have the lowest average rates.

Insurance premiums and vehicle performance - The performance of the car, truck or SUV you need to insure makes a significant difference in your car insurance bill. The cheapest insurance rates will normally be found when insuring smaller low performance passenger cars, but other factors influence the final cost greatly. Since the Mercury Mountaineer is classified as a standard SUV, insurance will be slightly more than the average rate where you live in Chicago.

You might want pay the minor policy claims yourself - Auto insurance companies in Illinois provide most affordable rates to policyholders who file claims infrequently. If you're an insured who likes to file claims you can expect much higher rates or policy non-renewal. Your car insurance is intended to be relied upon for claims that you cannot pay yourself.

Premiums increase with driving tickets - Careful drivers have lower premiums compared to drivers with tickets. Even a single speeding ticket or other violation can bump up the cost forty percent or more. People who have careless violations like DUI or reckless driving may find they need to submit a SR-22 or proof of financial responsibility to the state department of motor vehicles in order to keep their license.

Safer vehicles lower prices - Safer cars cost less to insure. Vehicles built for safety protect occupants better and better occupant protection translates into savings for insurance companies and lower rates for you.

Use credit responsibly and save - An insured's credit score is a large factor in determining what you pay. So if your credit score is low, you could potentially save money when insuring your Mercury Mountaineer if you clean up your credit. People with high credit ratings tend to be more responsible than those with poor credit.

There's no such thing as the perfect insurance policy

Keep in mind that when it comes to choosing coverage, there isn't really a cookie cutter policy. Every insured's situation is different.

These are some specific questions might help in determining if your insurance needs might need professional guidance.

If you don't know the answers to these questions but you think they might apply to your situation, then you may want to think about talking to an insurance agent. If you don't have a local agent, take a second and complete this form.

Shop online but buy locally

Some consumers would prefer to buy from a licensed agent and we recommend doing that A nice benefit of comparing car insurance online is the fact that drivers can get the lowest rates but also keep your business local. Buying from and supporting local agencies is definitely important in Chicago.

Insurance agents in ChicagoTo help locate an agent, after submitting this short form, your coverage information gets sent to agents in your area who want to provide quotes for your car insurance coverage. You don't have to search for any insurance agencies since price quotes are sent straight to your inbox. Get lower rates without a big time investment. If you wish to compare prices from one company in particular, feel free to search and find their rate quote page and fill out their quote form.

Different types of auto insurance agents in Chicago

If you need to find a reputable insurance agent or broker, you must know there are a couple different types of agents and how they differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Car insurance agencies are considered either independent agents or exclusive agents depending on their employer.

Independent Car Insurance Agents (or Brokers)

These agents are not required to write business for one company and that allows them to write policies with an assortment of companies and find you the best rates. If premiums increase, they simply move your policy to a different company and that require little work on your part. If you are trying to find cheaper rates, it's a good idea to get several quotes from independent agents in order to compare the most rates.

Featured below are independent agencies in Chicago that can possibly get you pricing information.

W.A. George Insurance Agency
155 N Michigan Ave #300 - Chicago, IL 60601 - (312) 729-5265 - View Map

KSA Insurance Agency
7158 W Grand Ave - Chicago, IL 60707 - (773) 804-9000 - View Map

4450 N Western Ave - Chicago, IL 60625 - (773) 433-3300 - View Map

More Chicago agents

Exclusive Car Insurance Agents

These type of agents work for only one company and examples are AAA, Allstate, State Farm, or Farmers Insurance. Exclusive agents cannot shop your coverage around so always compare other rates. They are usually well trained on their products and sales techniques and that can be a competitive advantage.

The following are exclusive agents in Chicago who can help you get comparison quotes.

4465 N Milwaukee Ave - Chicago, IL 60630 - (773) 282-1500 - View Map

725 W 31st St - Chicago, IL 60616 - (312) 791-1200 - View Map

6108 S Archer Ave - Chicago, IL 60638 - (773) 582-3322 - View Map

More Chicago agents

Choosing an insurance agency requires you to look at more than just the premium amount. Here are some questions to ask:

Three good reasons to insure your Mountaineer

Even though Chicago Mountaineer insurance rates can get expensive, buying car insurance is mandatory in Illinois but it also protects more than you think.

The benefits of having insurance definitely exceed the price paid, specifically if you ever have a liability claim. Unknowingly, the average driver overpays more than $750 every year so we recommend shopping around each time the policy renews to make sure the price is not too high.

Cover all your bases

When trying to cut insurance costs, you should never buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. There have been many situations where an insured cut physical damage coverage only to regret at claim time they didn't purchase enough coverage. The proper strategy is to purchase a proper amount of coverage at a price you can afford but still have enough coverage for asset protection.

People switch companies for a number of reasons such as unfair underwriting practices, policy cancellation, policy non-renewal and even delays in responding to claim requests. Regardless of your reason for switching companies, finding the right insurance provider is easier than you think.

More affordable insurance in Chicago can be sourced both online and also from your neighborhood Chicago agents, and you should compare price quotes from both to get a complete price analysis. Some insurance companies do not provide rate quotes online and most of the time these smaller companies work with independent insurance agents.

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