Cheapest Mazda MX-5 Miata Insurance in Chicago

Insurance quote for Mazda MX-5 Miata in ChicagoDid a good deal turn into an underperforming, overpriced insurance policy? Trust us when we tell you there are many Chicago drivers thinking the same thing.

Amazingly, the vast majority of consumers have been with the same company for a minimum of four years, and practically 40% of insurance customers have never quoted insurance rates at all. With the average premium in Illinois being $1,500, drivers could save up to $586 each year just by getting comparison quotes, but they think it's difficult to compare other rate quotes.

Lots of insurers contend to insure your vehicles, so it's not easy to compare every insurance company to get the best rates possible on Mazda MX-5 Miata insurance in Chicago.

If you currently have a car insurance policy, you should be able to save money using this strategy. Choosing the best rates in Chicago is really not that difficult. Although Illinois drivers need to learn how big insurance companies calculate your policy premium because it varies considerably.

Chicago insurance discounts for a Mazda MX-5 Miata

Some insurance providers don't always advertise all possible discounts in a way that's easy to find, so we took the time to find both the well known and the more hidden discounts that you can inquire about if you buy Chicago car insurance online.Discount insurance

You can save money using discounts, but some of the credits will not apply to the whole policy. Some only reduce specific coverage prices like comprehensive or collision. Just because you may think you can get free auto insurance, you aren't that lucky. But all discounts should help reduce the premium cost.

Some of the larger companies who may offer some of the discounts shown above may include but are not limited to:

Double check with all the companies to apply every possible discount. Depending on the company, some discounts may not apply everywhere. To see a list of insurance companies offering insurance discounts in Illinois, click this link.

When comparing insurance rates, know that obtaining a wide range of quotes helps locate lower pricing. Some insurance companies are not set up to provide online price quotes, so it's important to compare price quotes from the smaller companies as well.

The companies shown below provide price quotes in Illinois. If more than one company is shown, it's highly recommended you click on several of them in order to find the most competitive rates.

Mazda MX-5 Miata Insurance Price Estimates in Chicago, IL
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
MX-5 Miata Sport 2-Dr Convertible $190 $326 $226 $14 $68 $824 $69
MX-5 Miata Touring 2-Dr Convertible $174 $334 $250 $14 $76 $848 $71
MX-5 Miata Grand Touring 2-Dr Convertible $120 $210 $226 $14 $68 $638 $53
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Price data assumes married female driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, homeowner, claim-free, multi-vehicle, and safe-driver. Rates do not factor in your specific Chicago location which can lower or raise prices greatly.

How high should deductibles be?

One of the most common auto insurance questions is which deductible level should you buy. The following insurance rates lay out the differences in price between low and high insurance deductibles. The first rate comparisons uses a $250 physical damage coverage deductible and the second price chart uses a $500 deductible.

Mazda MX-5 Miata insurance with $250 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
MX-5 Miata Sport 2-Dr Convertible $176 $280 $222 $14 $66 $783 $65
MX-5 Miata Touring 2-Dr Convertible $202 $340 $222 $14 $66 $869 $72
MX-5 Miata Grand Touring 2-Dr Convertible $202 $340 $222 $14 $66 $869 $72
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Mazda MX-5 Miata insurance with $500 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
MX-5 Miata Sport 2-Dr Convertible $142 $226 $222 $14 $66 $670 $56
MX-5 Miata Touring 2-Dr Convertible $164 $274 $222 $14 $66 $740 $62
MX-5 Miata Grand Touring 2-Dr Convertible $164 $274 $222 $14 $66 $740 $62
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Table data represents married male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, homeowner, multi-vehicle, claim-free, and safe-driver. Price information does not factor in vehicle garaging location which can affect coverage rates substantially.

Based on this data, using a $250 deductible will cost in the ballpark of $10 more each month or $120 for a full year than quoting the higher $500 deductible. Due to the fact that you would have to pay $250 more to settle a claim with a $500 deductible as compared to a $250 deductible, if you usually have at a minimum 25 months between claim filings, you would probably be better off if you choose a higher deductible.

What if I want to buy from local Chicago auto insurance agents?

Many people just prefer to buy from a licensed agent and that is just fine! The biggest benefit of comparing insurance online is you may find cheap rate quotes but still work with a licensed agent.

Insurance agents in ChicagoTo find an agent, once you fill out this short form, your information is instantly submitted to insurance agents in Chicago that give free quotes and help you find cheaper coverage. There is no reason to search for any insurance agencies since price quotes are sent to the email address you provide. You can find better rates AND an agent nearby. If for some reason you want to compare prices from one company in particular, feel free to navigate to their website and fill out the quote form the provide.

Finding a good provider should include more criteria than just the quoted price. Any agent in Chicago should have no problem answering these questions:

What types of car insurance agents are in Chicago?

When looking for a reliable agent, it helps to know the two types of insurance agents that you can choose from. Insurance agencies in Chicago can be described as either independent or exclusive depending on the company they work for.

Exclusive Agents

These agents generally can only insure with one company like Farmers Insurance or State Farm. These agents are not able to shop your coverage around so you might not find the best rates. Exclusive agencies are very knowledgeable on what they offer which helps them compete with independent agents.

Below is a short list of exclusive insurance agents in Chicago who may provide you with price quotes.

3143 W 71st St - Chicago, IL 60629 - (773) 436-7500 - View Map

860 N Clark St - Chicago, IL 60610 - (312) 751-0500 - View Map

223 W Cermak Rd, Fl-2 - Chicago, IL 60616 - (312) 225-8311 - View Map

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Independent Agents (or Brokers)

Independent agents do not have single company limitations and that is an advantage because they can write policies with any number of different companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. To transfer your coverage to a different company, they simply move the coverage in-house which requires no work on your part.

If you are comparing insurance prices, we recommend you check rates from multiple independent agents to ensure the widest selection of prices.

Shown below are independent agents in Chicago who can help you get price quotes.

3517 N Spaulding Ave - Chicago, IL 60618 - (773) 463-7576 - View Map

5902 W Fullerton Ave - Chicago, IL 60639 - (877) 999-2644 - View Map

1858 W 18th St - Chicago, IL 60608 - (312) 226-1033 - View Map

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If you get positive responses for all questions you ask and inexpensive Mazda MX-5 Miata insurance in Chicago quotes, it's a good possibility that you have found an insurance agent that is a good match to provide insurance coverage. Just keep in mind you are entitled to cancel your coverage any time you want so never feel that you are permanently stuck with any particular company for the full term.

A little work can save a LOT of money

When you buy Chicago car insurance online, it's not a good idea to skimp on coverage in order to save money. There have been many situations where consumers will sacrifice uninsured motorist or liability limits and learned later that it was a big error on their part. Your strategy should be to get the best coverage possible at a price you can afford, but do not skimp to save money.

Budget-conscious Mazda MX-5 Miata insurance is possible on the web and with local Chicago insurance agents, so you should compare both so you have a total pricing picture. Some car insurance companies may not provide price quotes online and usually these regional insurance providers provide coverage only through local independent agencies.

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