Auto Insurance Quotes for a Cadillac CTS in Chicago

Are you tired of trying to find more competitive Cadillac CTS insurance in Chicago? Frustrated by the sheer number of auto insurance sources in your area? There are so many sources available that it can really be more work than you anticipated to find the best premium rates for Cadillac CTS insurance in Chicago. Everyone knows that Chicago is a good city to live in, but pricey auto insurance can make it hard to stay on budget.

Insurance rates Cadillac CTS in ChicagoUnbelievable but true, nearly 70% of consumers renewed their policy with the same company for at least the last four years, and just under half have never compared rates with other companies. With the average auto insurance premium being $1,500, Illinois drivers could save themselves as much as 40% a year just by shopping around, but most just don't grasp the actual amount they would save if they switched to a more affordable policy.

Companies offering Cadillac CTS insurance in Illinois

The companies in the list below are our best choices to provide comparison quotes in Illinois. If more than one company is shown, it's a good idea that you get rate quotes from several of them to find the most affordable auto insurance rates.

Cadillac CTS Insurance Rates in Chicago, IL
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
CTS AWD $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
CTS $196 $392 $294 $18 $88 $988 $82
CTS Luxury AWD $160 $364 $274 $16 $82 $896 $75
CTS Performance AWD $196 $456 $246 $14 $74 $986 $82
CTS Luxury $160 $382 $294 $18 $88 $942 $79
CTS Performance $160 $290 $342 $20 $102 $914 $76
CTS Sport $142 $308 $246 $14 $74 $784 $65
CTS Premium $156 $290 $262 $16 $78 $802 $67
CTS Premium AWD $120 $240 $246 $14 $74 $694 $58
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Data assumes married female driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, and claim-free. Prices do not factor in zip code location which can revise coverage prices significantly.

Choosing deductibles

The diagram below illustrates how choosing a deductible and can change Cadillac CTS insurance rates for different ages of insureds. The data assumes a single female driver, comp and collision included, and no discounts are factored in.

Can higher deductibles save money?

One frequently asked question is where should you set your physical damage deductibles. The premium rates below lay out the difference in cost of buying low and high policy deductibles. The first rate table uses a $100 deductible for physical damage and the second pricing table uses a $500 deductible.

Cadillac CTS insurance rates with $100 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
CTS AWD $254 $478 $262 $16 $78 $1,113 $93
CTS $254 $478 $262 $16 $78 $1,113 $93
CTS Luxury AWD $254 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,185 $99
CTS Performance AWD $254 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,185 $99
CTS Luxury $254 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,185 $99
CTS Performance $254 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,185 $99
CTS Sport $254 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,185 $99
CTS Premium $282 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,213 $101
CTS Premium AWD $282 $550 $262 $16 $78 $1,213 $101
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Cadillac CTS insurance rates with $500 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
CTS AWD $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
CTS $186 $322 $262 $16 $78 $864 $72
CTS Luxury AWD $186 $372 $262 $16 $78 $914 $76
CTS Performance AWD $186 $372 $262 $16 $78 $914 $76
CTS Luxury $186 $372 $262 $16 $78 $914 $76
CTS Performance $186 $372 $262 $16 $78 $914 $76
CTS Sport $186 $372 $262 $16 $78 $914 $76
CTS Premium $206 $372 $262 $16 $78 $934 $78
CTS Premium AWD $206 $372 $262 $16 $78 $934 $78
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Table data represents married male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, and Illinois minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, claim-free, homeowner, safe-driver, and multi-policy. Premium costs do not factor in garaging location in Chicago which can lower or raise premium rates noticeably.

Based on the data above, we can derive that using a $100 deductible costs about $22 more each month or $264 every year than choosing the higher $500 deductible. Due to the fact that you would have to pay $400 more to settle a claim with a $500 deductible as compared to a $100 deductible, if you go at a minimum 18 months between claims, you would probably save some money if you elect the higher deductible. Below is a better example of how you can make your own decision.

Average monthly premium for $100 deductibles: $98
Average monthly premium for $500 deductibles (subtract): - $76
Monthly savings from raising deductible: $22
Difference between deductibles ($500 - $100): $400
Divide difference by monthly savings: $400 / $22
Number of months required between physical damage coverage claims in order to save money by choosing the higher deductible 18 months

An important thing to remember is that raising deductibles to get cheaper rates results in having to pay to pay more out-of-pocket if you have a claim. You need some savings in order to pay the higher deductible.

Insurance rate increases from tickets or accidents

The chart below demonstrates how traffic citations and at-fault collisions can drive up Cadillac CTS car insurance rates for different age groups of insureds. The prices are based on a single female driver, full physical damage coverage, $100 deductibles, and no discounts are taken into consideration.

Earn discounts to get lower-cost Chicago auto insurance quotes

Insurance can cost an arm and a leg, but there could be significant discounts that may help make it more affordable. Some discounts apply automatically when you purchase, but occasionally some discounts must be inquired about before you will receive the discount.

Don't be surprised that many deductions do not apply to the entire policy premium. Most only apply to the cost of specific coverages such as medical payments or collision. So even though you would think you could get a free auto insurance policy, company stockholders wouldn't be very happy.

A few popular companies and some of the premium reductions they offer are included below.

Before you buy a policy, ask all the companies which discounts you may be entitled to. Some credits might not be available to policyholders in every state. To view insurance companies that provide some of the discounts listed above in Chicago, click here to view.

Situations that may require an agent's advice

Always remember that when buying proper insurance coverage for your vehicles, there really is not a single plan that fits everyone. You are unique and your policy should reflect that. Here are some questions about coverages that could help you determine whether your personal situation would benefit from professional advice.

If you don't know the answers to these questions but a few of them apply, you might consider talking to an agent. To find an agent in your area, fill out this quick form or click here for a list of car insurance companies in your area.

Insurance agent or online?

A lot of people still prefer to talk to an insurance agent and that is a personal choice. The best thing about comparing insurance prices online is that you can find better rates but still work with a licensed agent.

Find insurance agent in ChicagoTo make it easy to find an agent, after completing this short form, the coverage information gets sent to agents in your area who can give free rate quotes to get your business. There is no need to even leave your home since price quotes are sent to you. You can find the lowest rates without a big time investment. If you need to quote rates from a specific insurance company, you would need to navigate to their website and fill out their quote form.

Picking an company is decision based upon more than just a cheap quote. The questions below may impact your decision as well.

Pick the best car insurance agent in Chicago for you

When researching a reputable agency, there are a couple of different types of agencies to choose from. Insurance agencies are either independent agents or exclusive agents.

Exclusive Insurance Agencies

Exclusive agents can only provide one company's prices and some examples include Allstate and State Farm. Exclusive agents are unable to provide prices from multiple companies so you might not find the best rates. Exclusive agents are trained well on what they offer which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Some consumers prefer to use the same agent mostly because of high brand loyalty instead of buying on price only.

The following are exclusive insurance agencies in Chicago that can give you price quote information.

More Chicago agents

Independent Insurance Agents

Agents that elect to be independent do not sell for just one brand and that enables them to quote your coverage with multiple insurance companies depending on which coverage is best. If you are not satisfied with one company, an independent agent can move your coverage and that require little work on your part.

When comparing rate quotes, we highly recommend that you contact at a minimum one independent agency to have the most options to choose from. Most can insure with small mutual carriers that many times have cheaper rates.

Shown below is a list of independent agents in Chicago willing to provide comparison quotes.

More Chicago agents

Persistence pays off

Cheaper auto insurance in Chicago is possible from both online companies in addition to many Chicago insurance agents, and you need to price shop both to have the best selection. Some auto insurance companies may not have rates over the internet and many times these regional carriers prefer to sell through independent insurance agencies.

In this article, we covered a lot of ways to get a better price on Cadillac CTS insurance in Chicago. The key thing to remember is the more times you quote, the higher the chance of saving money. Consumers could even find that the lowest rates are with some of the lesser-known companies. These companies can often insure niche markets at a lower cost compared to the large companies like State Farm, GEICO and Nationwide.

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