Save on Pontiac Grand Prix Insurance in Chicago

Insurance for Pontiac Grand PrixWant to know an easy way to compare cheaper auto insurance rates in Chicago, IL? Chicago shoppers have options when shopping for affordable Pontiac Grand Prix insurance. They can either waste time driving around getting price quotes or leverage the internet to find the lowest rates. There are both good and bad ways to buy auto insurance and we'll show you the absolute fastest way to quote coverages for your Pontiac and get the best price possible either online or from Chicago insurance agents.

Surprisingly, a recent survey revealed that a large majority of auto insurance policyholders renewed their policy with the same company for at least the last four years, and just under half have never compared rate quotes at all. Illinois drivers could save approximately 40% a year just by shopping around, but they underestimate the big savings they would realize if they bought a different policy.

You need to shop coverage around once or twice a year because insurance rates fluctuate regularly. Just because you had the lowest rate on Pontiac Grand Prix insurance in Chicago two years ago you may be paying too much now. Block out anything you think you know about auto insurance because you're going to get a crash course in the easiest way to find better rates and still maintain coverage.

Choosing the best rates in Chicago can initially seem challenging. If you are insured now, you stand a good chance to be able to save money using the ideas presented in this article. Smart shoppers just need to understand the quickest way to compare rates from many companies at once.

Pontiac Grand Prix insurance quotes comparison

Getting a low cost price on insurance is an easy way to save money. All that's required is to invest a little time to compare rates from different insurance companies.

The following companies can provide price quotes in Chicago, IL. If several companies are displayed, it's highly recommended you compare several of them to find the most affordable car insurance rates.

You may qualify for discounts for Pontiac Grand Prix insurance in Chicago

Buying auto insurance is not cheap, but there are discounts available that many consumers don't even know exist. Some of these discounts will be visible at the time you complete a quote, but some may not be applied and must be inquired about before they will apply.Save money with discounts

Please keep in mind that most discounts do not apply to your bottom line cost. The majority will only reduce specific coverage prices like medical payments or collision. So even though they make it sound like you could get a free auto insurance policy, you aren't that lucky.

Some of the larger companies that possibly offer many of the previously listed discounts may include but are not limited to:

Before buying, ask every prospective company which discounts can lower your rates. Some discounts may not apply to policies in every state.

Best reasons to buy auto insurance in Illinois

Even though it's not necessarily cheap to insure a Pontiac in Chicago, buying auto insurance may be required for several reasons.

First, almost all states have minimum mandated liability insurance limits which means it is punishable by state law to not carry a minimum amount of liability insurance if you drive a vehicle. In Illinois these limits are 20/40/15 which means you must have $20,000 of bodily injury coverage per person, $40,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident, and $15,000 of property damage coverage.

Second, if you have a lien on your vehicle, most lenders will make it mandatory that you have physical damage coverage to ensure the loan is repaid in case of a total loss. If you let the policy lapse, the bank may buy a policy for your Pontiac at a much higher rate and require you to reimburse them a much higher amount than you were paying before.

Third, auto insurance protects both your assets and your Pontiac Grand Prix. It will also pay for medical expenses for both you and anyone you injure as the result of an accident. Liability insurance also covers all legal expenses up to the policy limit if you are sued as the result of an accident. If you have damage to your Pontiac as the result of the weather or an accident, comprehensive and collision coverage will cover the repair costs.

The benefits of buying auto insurance are definitely more than the cost, specifically if you ever have a liability claim. On average, a vehicle owner in Chicago overpays more than $855 a year so compare rates at every policy renewal to ensure rates are competitive.

When should I have guidance from an insurance agent?

Many people would rather get professional advice from a licensed agent and often times that is recommended Licensed agents can answer important questions and help submit paperwork. An additional benefit of comparing insurance prices online is that drivers can save money and get better rates and still buy from a local agent.

Chicago insurance agentsTo find an agent, once you fill out this quick form, the coverage information is emailed to local insurance agents in Chicago who can give free rate quotes for your insurance coverage. You never need to leave your house as quotes are delivered to your email. If you need to get a price quote from a specific insurance provider, you just need to jump over to their website to submit a rate quote request.

Finding the right insurer needs to be determined by more than just a cheap quote. The following questions are important to ask.

If you want to buy insurance from a reputable insurance agent or broker, you need to know there are two types of agencies from which to choose. Insurance agents are considered either exclusive or independent (non-exclusive). Both write policy coverage, but it's important to point out the differences because it can influence the type of agent you choose.

Exclusive Insurance Agencies

Exclusive agents can only provide one company's prices and examples are Allstate, Farmers Insurance, State Farm, and AAA. These agents are unable to provide prices from multiple companies so they really need to provide good service. These agents are usually well trained on their company's products which helps overcome the inability to quote other rates. Consumers sometimes buy from the same agent for years partially due to the brand name instead of buying on price only.

The following are Chicago exclusive agencies that are able to give rate quotes.

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Independent Agents (or Brokers)

Independent agencies are appointed with more than one company so they have the ability to put coverage with many different companies and find you cheaper rates. If prices rise, your agent can just switch to a different company and you can keep the same agent. If you are trying to find cheaper rates, we highly recommend that you get insurance quotes from a few independent agents to get the most accurate price comparison. Most also have access to smaller mutual companies which can save you money.

The following is a short list of independent insurance agents in Chicago that are able to give comparison quotes.

View more Chicago agents

Insurance coverages 101

Understanding the coverages of insurance helps when choosing the best coverages and proper limits and deductibles. The terms used in a policy can be impossible to understand and coverage can change by endorsement.

Comprehensive coverage (or Other than Collision)

This coverage pays to fix your vehicle from damage that is not covered by collision coverage. You first have to pay a deductible and the remainder of the damage will be paid by comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for claims such as a broken windshield, theft and damage from getting keyed. The highest amount your insurance company will pay is the cash value of the vehicle, so if the vehicle's value is low it's probably time to drop comprehensive insurance.

Collision coverage protection

Collision coverage covers damage to your Grand Prix resulting from colliding with another car or object. A deductible applies then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision coverage pays for claims such as sustaining damage from a pot hole, backing into a parked car, damaging your car on a curb and rolling your car. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so consider dropping it from vehicles that are older. It's also possible to choose a higher deductible on your Grand Prix to get cheaper collision coverage.

Auto liability insurance

This protects you from damage that occurs to people or other property. It protects you against other people's claims. It does not cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

It consists of three limits, bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage. Your policy might show values of 20/40/15 which means a $20,000 limit per person for injuries, a total of $40,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident, and $15,000 of coverage for damaged property.

Liability coverage pays for things like repair costs for stationary objects, structural damage, funeral expenses, attorney fees and repair bills for other people's vehicles. The amount of liability coverage you purchase is a decision to put some thought into, but consider buying as large an amount as possible. Illinois requires drivers to carry at least 20/40/15 but it's recommended drivers buy more coverage.

Insurance for medical payments

Med pay and PIP coverage kick in for bills for things like funeral costs, surgery, hospital visits, rehabilitation expenses and EMT expenses. They are often used in conjunction with a health insurance plan or if you lack health insurance entirely. Medical payments and PIP cover both the driver and occupants and will also cover if you are hit as a while walking down the street. Personal Injury Protection is not an option in every state and may carry a deductible

Uninsured Motorist or Underinsured Motorist insurance

Your UM/UIM coverage provides protection from other motorists when they are uninsured or don't have enough coverage. Covered losses include injuries sustained by your vehicle's occupants as well as damage to your Pontiac Grand Prix.

Since many Illinois drivers carry very low liability coverage limits (20/40/15 in Illinois), it doesn't take a major accident to exceed their coverage limits. So UM/UIM coverage is important protection for you and your family.